
Ernesto Ottone: UNESCO is interested in dispatching a technical mission to Karabakh as soon as possible

Azerbaijan and UNESCO have close cultural cooperation. Azerbaijan-UNESCO relations are built on a solid foundation.

These views were expressed at a meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elnur Mammadov and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Culture Ernesto Ottone within the framework of the UNESCO General Conference.

Cultural relations between Azerbaijan and UNESCO were discussed at the meeting. It was noted that our country pays special attention to culture. There were emphasized that the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva plays a special role in the development of cultural cooperation between Azerbaijan and UNESCO.

The meeting focused on the country's candidacy to the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict for the 2021-2025 period.

They exchanged views on the technical mission and stressed its importance. It was noted that Azerbaijan is interested in carrying out this mission to the liberated territories soon. Although Azerbaijan applied for a technical mission during the 30-year Armenian occupation, the mission could not come to the occupied Azerbaijani territories due to Armenia's position.

UNESCO Baş direktorunun mədəniyyət işləri üzrə müavini Ernesto Ottone Azərbaycan-UNESCO əlaqələrindən məmnunluğun uifadə edib. Ölkəmizin qurumla mədəniyyət sahəsində sıx əməkdaşlığından danışıb. Ümum dünya İrs Komitəsinin Bakıda keçirilmiş 43-cü sessiyasını xatırlayaraq, onun yüksək səviyyədə keçirildiyini diqqətə çatdırıb. UNESCO-nun da texniki missiyanın qısa zaman çərçivəsində reallaşmasında maraqlı olduğunu deyib.

Assistant Director-General of UNESCO for Culture Ernesto Ottone expressed satisfaction with the Azerbaijan-UNESCO relations. He spoke about the close cooperation between our country and the Organization in the field of culture. Recalling the 43rd session of the World Heritage Committee held in Baku, he noted that it was held at a high level. He also said that UNESCO is interested in the implementation of the technical mission in a short time.

The meeting was also attended by the Second Secretary of the Permanent Delegation of Azerbaijan to UNESCO Nahid Omarov.

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